HR 내용&트렌드 학습2015. 9. 22. 00:29

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(2015년 가을, 26권 3호)에 실린 아티클 리스트.


Improving the Rigor of Quantitative HRD Research: Four Recommendations in Support of the General Hierarchy of Evidence.

Nimon, Kim F.; Astakhova, Marina.


Learning Transfer in Practice: A Qualitative Study of Medical Professionals' Perspectives.

Choi, Myungweon; Roulston, Kathryn.


Measuring the Business Impact of Employee Learning: A View From the Professional Services Sector.

van Rooij, Shahron Williams; Merkebu, Jerusalem.


The Invisible Learning Ceiling: Informal Learning Among Preschool Teachers and Assistants in a Norwegian Kindergarten.

Schei, Vidar; Nerbø, Ida.


Psychological Capital Intervention ( PCI): A Replication and Extension.

Dello Russo, Silvia; Stoykova, Petya



Posted by 일상과꿈

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(2015년 여름, 26권 2호)에 실린 아티클 리스트.

Embracing Translational HRD Research for Evidence-Based Management: Let's Talk About How to Bridge the Research-Practice Gap.

Gubbins, Claire; Rousseau, Denise M.

Factors Affecting Perceptions of Procedural Fairness of Downsizing: A Policy Capturing Approach.

Bragger, Jennifer; Evans, Diana; Kutcher, Gene; Sumner, Ken; Fritzky, Emily.

Intra and Interorganizational Learning Networks and the Implementation of Quality Improvement Initiatives: The Case of a Portuguese Teaching Hospital.

Melo, Sara; Beck, Matthias.

(Mis)Interpretations of Organizational Socialization: The Expectations and Experiences of Newcomers and Managers.

Korte, Russell; Brunhaver, Samantha; Sheppard, Sheri.

Theoretical Constituents of Relatedness Need Satisfaction in Senior Executives.

Mueller, Marcus B.; Lovell, Geoff P



Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2014. 10. 1. 11:46

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(253, 2014 Fall)에 실린 아티클 리스트.

1. Improving the Quality of Mixed Research Reports in the Field of Human Resource Development and Beyond: A Call for Rigor as an Ethical Practice
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Julie A. Corrigan

2. Toward Mature Talent Management: Beyond Shareholder Value
David G. Collings

3. Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Job Characteristics
Nicolas Gillet and Christian Vandenberghe

4. Mentoring and Leader Identity Development: A Case Study
Douglas Muir

5. What Factors Affect Teachers in Taiwan in Becoming More Involved in Professional Development? A Hierarchical Linear Analysis
Hsiao-Wen Liu, Jihn-Chang J. Jehng, Chun-Hsi V. Chen and Meiyu Fa

Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2014. 8. 26. 19:59

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(252, 2014 Summer)에 실린 아티클 리스트.
전체적으로는 Engagement에 대한 논문들이 주로 실렸는데, HRD와 HRM에 대해 같이 얘기하는 첫번째 아티클이 재미있을 것 같다.

1. Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management: So What Is It?
   Jon M. Werner

2. Appreciating Organization Development: A Comparative Essay on Divergent Perspectives
   Thomas G. Cummings and Chailin Cummings

3. What Do We Really Know About Employee Engagement?
   Alan M. Saks and Jamie A. Gruman

4. Servant Leadership and Work Engagement: The Contingency Effects of Leader–Follower Social Capital
   Dirk De Clercq, Dave Bouckenooghe, Usman Raja and Ganna Matsyborska

5. Job Resources as Antecedents of Engagement at Work: Evidence From a Long-Term Care Setting
   Daria Sarti

6. Human Resource Development Practices and Employee Engagement: Examining the Connection With Employee Turnover Intentions
    Brad Shuck, Devon Twyford, Thomas G. Reio Jr. and Angie Shuck

7. Erratum for “Assessing the Influence of Managerial Coaching on Employee Outcomes”
   Sewon Kim


Posted by 일상과꿈

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(25권 1호, 2014 Spring)에 실린 아티클 리스트입니다. 2번과 6번 아티클은 읽어봐야겠습니다.


1. Celebrating 25 Years of HRD Scholarship: Happy Silver Anniversary Human Resource Development Quarterly!
Ellinger, Andrea D.

2. What Do the Next 25 Years Hold for HRD Research in Areas of Our Interest?
Russ-Eft, Darlene; Watkins, Karen E.; Marsick, Victoria J.; Jacobs, Ronald L.; McLean, Gary N.

3. Informal Workplace Learning in Austrian Banks: The Influence of Learning Approach, Leadership Style, and Organizational Learning Culture on Managers' Learning Outcomes
Froehlich, Dominik; Segers, Mien; Van den Bossche, Piet.

4. Assessing the Influence of Managerial Coaching on Employee Outcomes
Kim, Sewon

5. The Organizational Context and Performance Implications of Human Capital Investment Variability
Bhattacharya, Mousumi; Harold Doty, D.; Garavan, Thomas

6. Strengthening Your Submissions to HRDQ: Advice from the Managing Editor
Lynn Lunn, Mary

7. Taking the Liberty of Incivility: Workplace Bullying in Higher Education
Lee Gloor, Jamie



Posted by 일상과꿈

2013년 12월에 HRDQ(Human Resource Development Quarterly)에 게재된 논문 리스트이다.


The Generous Spirit of the Peer Review Process: Perspectives and Insights From the HRDQ Editorial Team on Providing High-Quality Reviews (pages 417–428), Andrea D. Ellinger, Valerie Anderson, Claire Gubbins, Mary Lynn Lunn, Kim F. Nimon, Maura Sheehan and Jon M. Werner

Research Articles

The Contrasting Effects of Coaching Style on Task Performance: The Mediating Roles of Subjective Task Complexity and Self-Set Goal (pages 429–458), Ray Tak-yin Hui, Christina Sue-Chan and Robert E. Wood

The Influence of Passion and Work–Life Thoughts on Work Satisfaction (pages 469–492), Sara Thorgren, Joakim Wincent and Charlotta Sirén

Quality-Related HR Practices, Organizational Ethics, and Positive Work Attitudes: Implications for HRD (pages 493–523), Sean Valentine, David Hollingworth and Clare A. Francis

Learning About Managing the Business in the Hospitality Industry (pages 525–559), Li Li, David E. Gray, Andrew John Lockwood and Dimitrios Buhalis

Invited Reaction

Invited Reaction: The Contrasting Effects of Coaching Style on Task Performance: The Mediating Roles of Subjective Task Complexity and Self-Set Goal (pages 459–468), Sewon Kim and Toby Egan

Media Review

International Human Resource Development: Learning, Education and Training for Individuals and Organizations (3rd ed.), edited by John Peter Wilson. London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page Limited, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-7494-6106-5; E-ISBN: 978 0 7494 6107 2; 502 pages; £39.99 (paperback). (pages 561–566), John Dewar Wilson


Posted by 일상과꿈

HRD는 전문직일까?
아니라면 뭘까?
아무나 할 수 있는 그런 일일까?
내가 지향하는 HRD 전문성이란 무엇일까?

2009년에 AHRD에서 나온 HRDQ 아티클 중
"HRD as a profession: current status and future directions"
라는 제목으로 나온 것이 있다.

이번에 대학원 브라운백 세미나에서 발표가 있었는데,
난 듣지 못했지만 한번쯤 깊게 고민해 볼 만한 문제이다.
내 업에 대한 이야기니까....

< 확립된 전문집단과 HRD(현재) 지위와의 비교 >

쓰여진 글 중 "누구든지 HRD전문가라고 주장할 수 있다"라는 문장에 아픔이 아프다.
사람에 대한 일이기 때문에 누구든지 한마디씩 거들 수 있고,
그래서, 누구든지 HRD전문가라고 주장할 수 있다고 생각한다.
그렇지만, 사람의 일만큼, 조직의 일만큼 복잡한 것도 없지 않은가!

글 중 아래 문장이 가장 기억에 남는다.
"우리는 사람과 조직을 발전시키는 방법에 상당히 알고 있다"

사람과 조직을 발전시키는 전문가들.
쉬운 듯 어려운 사람/조직의 일을 풀어헤치고 최적의 해법을 주는 전문가들.
사람을 돕고, 조직을 돕는 전문가들.
우리가 지향해야 할 모습이 아닐까 싶다.

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Posted by 일상과꿈