<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(25권 1호, 2014 Spring)에 실린 아티클 리스트입니다. 2번과 6번 아티클은 읽어봐야겠습니다.


1. Celebrating 25 Years of HRD Scholarship: Happy Silver Anniversary Human Resource Development Quarterly!
Ellinger, Andrea D.

2. What Do the Next 25 Years Hold for HRD Research in Areas of Our Interest?
Russ-Eft, Darlene; Watkins, Karen E.; Marsick, Victoria J.; Jacobs, Ronald L.; McLean, Gary N.

3. Informal Workplace Learning in Austrian Banks: The Influence of Learning Approach, Leadership Style, and Organizational Learning Culture on Managers' Learning Outcomes
Froehlich, Dominik; Segers, Mien; Van den Bossche, Piet.

4. Assessing the Influence of Managerial Coaching on Employee Outcomes
Kim, Sewon

5. The Organizational Context and Performance Implications of Human Capital Investment Variability
Bhattacharya, Mousumi; Harold Doty, D.; Garavan, Thomas

6. Strengthening Your Submissions to HRDQ: Advice from the Managing Editor
Lynn Lunn, Mary

7. Taking the Liberty of Incivility: Workplace Bullying in Higher Education
Lee Gloor, Jamie



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