<ADHR>의 최근호 아티클 리스트이다. (2016년 11월, 18(4))
"A History of the Academy of Human Resource Development"라는 주제로 Watkins 교수와 McLean 교수가 Guest Editor로 참여하셨다. 두 분 외에도 거의 대부분 저자가 유명하신 분들이다. ㅋ
A History of the Academy of Human Resource Development: An Introduction
Karen E. Watkins
Early History of the Fields of Practice of Training and Development and Organization Development
Richard J. Torraco
The Founding of the Academy of Human Resource Development
R. Wayne Pace
Development of Academic Programs in Human Resource Development in the United States
Karen E. Watkins, Victoria J. Marsick
HRD Scholars Who Laid the Foundations of HRD
Darren C. Short
Developing a Tradition of Scholarship: The Emergence and Evolution of the AHRD-Sponsored Journals
Andrea D. Ellinger, Carole J. Elliott, Kimberly S. McDonald, Julia Storberg-Walker
Controversies That Shaped the Field of Human Resource Development: Town Hall Forums of the Academy of Human Resource Development
Darlene F. Russ-Eft
AHRD’s Globalization
Gary N. McLean, Monica M. Lee
Evolving Human Resource Development
Wendy E. A. Ruona
Personal Reflections: The Value of a History of the Academy, Personally and Professionally
Gary N. McLean