'2017/10/10'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2017.10.10 HRDQ 최근호 아티클 리스트
  2. 2017.10.10 HRDi 최근호 아티클 리스트
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 10. 10. 21:03

<HRDQ> 2017년 가을호 아티클 리스트다. Volume 28, Issue 3

Reflection에 대한 아티클이 눈에 띈다. 한번 읽어봐야겠다.

HRDQ Submissions of Quantitative Research Reports: Three Common Comments in Decision Letters and a Checklist
Kim Nimon

Job Preferences and Expectations of Disabled People and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Poland: Implications for Disabled People's Professional Development
Anna Michna, Roman Kmieciak and Katarzyna Burzyńska-Ptaszek

An Exploration of Differences in Content and Processes Underlying Reflection on Challenging Experiences at Work
Todd J. Maurer, Dina M. Leheta and Thomas A. Conklin

An Intersubjective Perspective on the Role of Communal Sharing in Synergistic Co-mentoring: Implications for Human Resource Development
Bryan J. Deptula and Ethlyn Anne Williams

Beyond the Single Organization: Inside Insights From Gaining Access for Large Multiorganization Survey HRD Research
Mark N. K. Saunders, David E. Gray and Alexandra Bristow

Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 10. 10. 21:02

HRDI 저널 20권 5호. (2017년, 20(5))

Making sense of our self in HRD: self-less, self-ish and self-ie?
Sambrook, Sally

HRDI, colonization, and post-truth politics.
Lee, Monica

Supporting the United Nations’ 2030 sustainable development goals: a call for international HRD action.
Zarestky, Jill; Collins, Joshua C.

The ethics of HRD practice.
Kuchinke, K. Peter

The demise of inquiry-based HRD programmes in the UK: implications for the field.
Tosey, Paul; Marshall, Judi

Under western eyes: A transnational and postcolonial perspective of gender and HRD.
Syed, Jawad; Metcalfe, Beverly Dawn

Continuous improvement in international or global HRD research.
McLean, Gary N.

Human Resource Development International : a celebration of the journal’s first 20 years.
Elliott, Carole; Li, Jessica; Ghosh, Rajashi


Posted by 일상과꿈