HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 11. 21. 12:54

HRDR, 16(4), 2017/12

A Review of the Literature on Structured On-the-Job Training and Directions for Future Research
Sahar Ahadi,  Ronald L. Jacobs

The Relationship Between Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment: Proposing Research Agendas Through a Review of Empirical Literature
Woocheol Kim,  Jiyoung Kim,  Heajung Woo,  Jiwon Park,  Junghyun Jo, Sang-Hoon Park,  Se Yung Lim

Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership: A Review of Empirical Studies
Hyejin Kim,  Taesung Kim

Leadership and Employee Work Passion: Propositions for Future Empirical Investigations
Richard Egan,  Mark Turner,  Deborah Blackman

The Dark and Bright Sides of Personal Use of Technology at Work: A Job Demands–Resources Model
Sungdoo Kim,  Amanda L. Christensen


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