자기다움찾기2016. 4. 7. 08:56

내 인생의 32번째 일기장이 지나간다.
작년 8월부터 8개월간 쓴 일기.
난 그동안 얼마나 성장했을까?
일기를 통해 얼마나 성찰과 통찰을 이루어냈을까?


고1이던 1986년 3월부터 쓰기 시작했으니 벌써 만 30년.
30년간 32권의 일기를 썼으니 1년에 한 권씩 쓴 셈이다.
많은 일들이 지나갔고 지금도 많은 일들이 지나간다.
점점 조바심이 나는 것은 살아온 날들이 더 많아지기 때문이겠지...?!




Posted by 일상과꿈

<Human Resource Development Review> 2016년 3월호, 15(1)


Integrative Literature Reviews


On Critical Reflection: A Review of Mezirow’s Theory and Its Operationalization
Henriette Lundgren and Rob F. Poell
Work Engagement and Career: Proposing Research Agendas Through a Review of Literature
Yunsoo Lee, Kibum Kwon,  Woocheol Kim,  and Daeyeon Cho
The Persistence of Working Poor Families in a Changing U.S. Job Market: An Integrative Review of the Literature
Richard J. Torraco


Theory and Conceptual Article
Capacity and Capability Building for National HRD: A Multi-Level Conceptual Framework
Meera Alagaraja and Rod Patrick Githens

Instructor’s Corner


Using HRD to Support Repatriates: A Framework for Creating an Organization Development Strategy for Repatriation
Tomika W. Greer and Alexandra C. Stiles



Debate and Dialogue
From Methodology to Imagination: Reflections on Philosophy and Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
Russell Korte



Posted by 일상과꿈

Human Resource Development Quarterly. Spring2016, Vol. 27 Issue 1


Moving on and Moving Upward: Final Reflections and Farewell.
Ellinger, Andrea D.


Personality Traits and Career Satisfaction in Training and Development Occupations: Toward a Distinctive T&D Personality Profile.
Sundstrom, Eric D.; Lounsbury, John W.; Gibson, Lucy W.; Huang, Jason L.


To Reveal or Conceal? Managers' Disclosures of Private Information During Emotional Intelligence Training.
Thory, Kathryn.


Education as a Response to NHRD Gaps in Developing Economies: A Case Study of l'Ecole de Choix/The School of Choice (Haiti), as Critical National Human Resource Development.
Gedro, Julie; Hartman, Laura Pincus.


Diversity Training Programme Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
Alhejji, Hussain; Garavan, Thomas; Carbery, Ronan; O'Brien, Fergal; McGuire, David.


Handbook of Human Resource Development.
Park, Sunyoung


The Routledge Companion to Human Resource Development.
Wilson, John Dewar.



Posted by 일상과꿈

HRD International>의 최근호(2006년, 19권 2호)에 실린 아티클 리스트.



Vision for HRDI Perspectives
Rajashi Ghosh



The mediating effect of organizational commitment and employee empowerment: how transformational leadership impacts employee knowledge sharing intention
Seung-hyun Han, Gaeun Seo, Jessica Li & Seung Won Yoon


Comparison of the influences of structured on-the-job training and classroom training approaches on trainees’ motivation to learn
Wen-Rou Huang & Ying-Ju Jao


Working on professional development of faculty staff in higher education: investigating the relationship between social informal learning activities and employability
Maike Gerken, Simon Beausaert & Mien Segers


Training and organizational commitment: exploring the moderating role of goal orientation in the Lebanese context
Hussein Nabil Ismail



Employer branding practices for young talents in IT companies (Russian experience)
Dmitry Kucherov & Andrey Zamulin


Posted by 일상과꿈
삶 자체가 HRD!2016. 4. 6. 18:41

비폭력대화 연습 #9


집에 갔더니 아이들이 거실에서 공부를 하고 있다.
그런데, 식탁의자에 두꺼운 외투들이 걸려 있다.
예전부터 습관적으로 외투를 의자에 걸어놓기에
작은 방에 행거를 설치하고 거기에 걸도록 했었는데 말이다.
그래서, 내가 한 마디 했다.


"에헤이, 이거 봐라, 또 옷 걸려있네."


그랬더니 아이들이 "알았어요"하고는... 여전히 공부를 한다.

여러번 말하는 것이 좋지 않다는 생각에, 나도 옷 갈아입느차 정신없어서
더이상 얘기는 안 했는데, 생각해 보니 이렇게 말했더라면 어땠을까?


"옷이 걸려 있네?" (관찰)
"옷 걸려있는거 보니까 아빠 마음이 어수선해지네." (감정)
"의자에 옷이 없어서 좀 깔끔하고 정리정돈이 되면 좋겠거든." (욕구)


아이들이 또 의자에 옷을 걸텐데, 기회를 노리다가 이렇게 연습해봐야겠다.


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Posted by 일상과꿈