'2016/06/14'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.06.14 <HRDR> 최근호 아티클 리스트
  2. 2016.06.14 <HRDQ> 최근호 아티클 리스트
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2016. 6. 14. 11:55

<HRDR> 2016년 6월호, 15(2) 아티클 리스트. 


Interventions for Women With Postpartum Depression Symptoms: An Integrative Literature Review for Human Resource Development
Cyntianna C. Ledesma Ortega, Thomas G. Reio, Jr.
Performance Measurement and Performance Indicators: A Literature Review and a Proposed Model for Practical Adoption
Sequoia Star, Darlene Russ-Eft,  Marc T. Braverman, Roger Levine


Complexity and Organizational Communication: A Quest for Common Ground
Petro Poutanen, Kalle Siira, Pekka Aula
Deconstructing the Privilege and Power of Employee Engagement: Issues of Inequality for Management and Human Resource Development
Brad Shuck, Joshua C. Collins,  Tonette S. Rocco, Raquel Diaz
An Evidence-Based Review of Creative Problem Solving Tools: A Practitioner’s Resource
David Vernon, Ian Hocking, Tresoi C. Tyler



Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2016. 6. 14. 11:52

<HRDQ> 2016년 여름호, 27(2) 아티클 리스트.

What Will the HRDQ Future Be: When One Turns Into Three?
Anderson, Valerie; Nimon, Kim; Werner, Jon


Making the Invisible Visible: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Gender-Based Leadership Barriers
Diehl, Amy B.; Dzubinski, Leanne M.


Boredom at Work and Job Monotony: An Exploratory Case Study within the Catering Sector.
Tsai, Chin-Ju.


Perceived Managerial and Leadership Effectiveness Within South Korean and British Private Companies: A Derived Etic Comparative Study.
Hamlin, Robert G.; Kim, Sewon; Chai, Dae Seok; Kim, Junhee; Jeong, Shinhee.


No Place Like the Frontline: A Qualitative Study on What Participant CEOs Learned From Undercover Boss
Cumberland, Denise M.; Alagaraja, Meera.


Organizational Climate and Culture: An Introduction to Theory, Research, and Practice.
Hummer, Douglas A.



Posted by 일상과꿈