Spring 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1

Time to ‘Flip’ the Training Transfer Tradition: Employees Create Learning Paths Strategically
Rob F. Poell

The State of Transfer of Training Research: Moving Toward More Consumer-Centric Inquiry
Timothy T. Baldwin, J. Kevin Ford and Brian D. Blume

How Leaders Can Get the Most Out of Formal Training: The Significance of Feedback-Seeking and Reflection as Informal Learning Behaviors
Jennifer L. Sparr, Kristin Knipfer and Friederike Willems

Never Too Early: Learning Transfer System Factors Affecting Motivation to Transfer Before and After Training Programs 
Ann-Christine Massenberg, Eva-Maria Schulte and Simone Kauffeld

Applying Rules and Standards Accurately: Indeterminacy and Transfer Among Adult Learners
Joshua D. Kahn and Erik J. Girvan


Posted by 일상과꿈

아는 분께서 주도하여 경희대(수원 국제캠퍼스)에 인사교육담당자 대상의 석사과정이 개설되었다고 하여 홍보겸 안내드립니다.

이번에 신설되어 2학기 입학생을 대상으로 모집하고 있다고 하네요. 정규 경영학석사학위(MBA)를 부여하고 HRD ICT 관련 학과목으로 특화되었다고 합니다.

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'직장인학습법&전문성 연구' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 3. 12. 15:03

HRDR, Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2017 
An Integrative Framework for Problem-Based Learning and Action Learning: Promoting Evidence-Based Design and Evaluation in Leadership Development
Kimberly S. Scott

Conceptual Review of Underrepresentation of Women in Senior Leadership Positions From a Perspective of Gendered Social Status in the Workplace: Implication for HRD Research and Practice
Gaeun Seo,  Wenhao Huang,  Seung-Hyun Caleb Han

Pragmatism and Human Resource Development: Practical Foundations for Research, Theory, and Practice
Russell Korte,  Zachary A. Mercurio

Managing Diversity Through Triple-Loop Learning: A Call for Paradigm Shift
Chang-kyu Kwon,  Aliki Nicolaides

Debate and Dialogue
Michael Kroth


Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 3. 12. 15:01

HRDI : 2017년, 20(2)

Introducing the expatriate ‘Entry-Mode’: an exploratory qualitative study of a missing link in global mobility and expatriate management research
David S. A. Guttormsen

National human resource development in a transitioning society: the case of Cambodia
Sowath Rana, Alexandre Ardichvili & Sok Kong Taing

Combined military training and academic instruction in Eritrea
Tensiew Menghistu Ogbamariam & Amanuel Abraha Teklemariam

Learning organization, organizational culture, and affective commitment in Malaysia: A person–organization fit theory
Patricia Yin Yin Lau, Gary N. McLean, Yen-Chen Hsu & Bella Ya-Hui Lien

book review
J. Fitz-Enz and I. I. John Mattox, Predictive analytics for human resources
Arunava Ghosh & Tuhin Sengupta


Posted by 일상과꿈
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 3. 12. 15:00

HRDI : 2017년, 20(1)

What are the (C)HRD implications of Brexit? A personal reflection?
Carole Elliott & Jim Stewart

Challenges to the Emiratisation process: content analysis
Mohammed Humaid Aljanahi

E-mentoring as a HRD intervention: an exploratory action research study within an International Professional Mentoring Scheme
Chandana Sanyal & Chris Rigby

Hearing the voices of Generation Y employees: a hermeneutic phenomenological study
Tabitha K. L. Coates

Intrinsic motivation: the case for healthcare systems in Malaysia and globally
Yogarabindranath Swarna Nantha

Guanxi influence and talent management in Chinese organisations; evidence from the real estate sector
Stephen Gibb & Shuai Zhang


Posted by 일상과꿈