일터에서 벌어지는 무형식 학습(Informal Learning)에 대한 결과물, 즉 학습성과(Learning Outcomes)를 뭘로 측정할 것이냐에 대해서는 그동안 많은 학자들에 의해 측정변인이 제시되어 왔다.
Matthews(1999)는 지식, 스킬, 능력 향상을 제시하였고, Froehlich 등(2015)은 고용가능성을 제시하였다. 조직 레벨로는 적응성(Brown & Keep, 2003)과 경쟁우위(Sambrook, Stewart, & Tjepkema, 2003)이 제시되었다.
일터에서의 심층학습(Deep Learning)을 연구한 Froehlich(2016)은 통합적인 관점에서 측정되어야 한다는 Eraut(2004)의 조언을 따라 학습성과의 하위변인으로 4가지를 제시하였다. Job appraisal performance, Core skills, Perceived career development, Subjective job performance이다.
Froehlich, D. E. (2016). Older managers' informal learning in knowledge-intensive organizations: Investigating the role of learning approaches among Austrian bank manager. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, ??, 1-18.
Matthews, P. (1999). Workplace learning: Developing an holistic model. The Learning Organization, 6, 18-29.
Froehlich, D. E., Beausaert, S. A. J., & Segers, M. S. R. (2015). Age, employability and the role of learning activities and their motivational antecedents: A conceptual model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 2087-2101.
Brown, A., & Keep, E. (2003). Competing perspectives on workplace learning and the learning organization. In B. Nyhan, M. Kelleher, P. Cressey, & R. F. Poell (Eds.), Facing up to the larning organization challenge (pp. 73-91). Luxembourg: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Sambrook, S., Stewart, J., & Tjepkema, S. (2003). The changing role of HRD practitioners in learning-oriented organizations. In B. Nyhan, M. Kelleher, P. Cressey, & R. F. Poell (Eds.), Facing up to the learning organization challenge (pp. 221-246). Luxembourg: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.