<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(2015년 여름, 26권 2호)에 실린 아티클 리스트.

Embracing Translational HRD Research for Evidence-Based Management: Let's Talk About How to Bridge the Research-Practice Gap.

Gubbins, Claire; Rousseau, Denise M.

Factors Affecting Perceptions of Procedural Fairness of Downsizing: A Policy Capturing Approach.

Bragger, Jennifer; Evans, Diana; Kutcher, Gene; Sumner, Ken; Fritzky, Emily.

Intra and Interorganizational Learning Networks and the Implementation of Quality Improvement Initiatives: The Case of a Portuguese Teaching Hospital.

Melo, Sara; Beck, Matthias.

(Mis)Interpretations of Organizational Socialization: The Expectations and Experiences of Newcomers and Managers.

Korte, Russell; Brunhaver, Samantha; Sheppard, Sheri.

Theoretical Constituents of Relatedness Need Satisfaction in Senior Executives.

Mueller, Marcus B.; Lovell, Geoff P



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