HR 내용&트렌드 학습2015. 12. 24. 19:28

<HRD Review>의 최근호(2015년 12월, 14권 4호)에 실린 아티클 리스트.


Julia Storberg-Walker
Foundations and Philosophy of HRD
Reclaiming the “D” in HRD: A Typology of Development Conceptualizations, Antecedents, and Outcomes

Thomas N. Garavan, David McGuire, Monica Lee



Integrative Literature Reviews 

Affective Commitment as a Core Essence of Organizational Commitment: An Integrative Literature Review
Zachary A. Mercurio
Characteristics of “Masculinized” Industries: Gay Men as a Provocative Exception to Male Privilege and Gendered Rules
Joshua C. Collins


Theory and Conceptual Articles

A Framework for Facilitating Experiential Learning
Makoto Matsuo


A Place at the Window: Theorizing Organizational Change for Advocacy of the Marginalized
Seth A. Jacobson,  Jamie L. Callahan, Rajashi Ghosh
Relational Mentoring Episodes as a Catalyst for Empowering Protégés: A Conceptual Model
Julia M. Fullick-Jagiela, Amy Klemm Verbos, Christopher William Wiese



Debate and Dialogue
When Methodologies Become Theologies, Applied Disciplines Falter 
Thomas J. Chermack, Richard A. Swanson



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