HR 내용&트렌드 학습2014. 8. 26. 19:59

<HRD Quarterly>의 최근호(252, 2014 Summer)에 실린 아티클 리스트.
전체적으로는 Engagement에 대한 논문들이 주로 실렸는데, HRD와 HRM에 대해 같이 얘기하는 첫번째 아티클이 재미있을 것 같다.

1. Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management: So What Is It?
   Jon M. Werner

2. Appreciating Organization Development: A Comparative Essay on Divergent Perspectives
   Thomas G. Cummings and Chailin Cummings

3. What Do We Really Know About Employee Engagement?
   Alan M. Saks and Jamie A. Gruman

4. Servant Leadership and Work Engagement: The Contingency Effects of Leader–Follower Social Capital
   Dirk De Clercq, Dave Bouckenooghe, Usman Raja and Ganna Matsyborska

5. Job Resources as Antecedents of Engagement at Work: Evidence From a Long-Term Care Setting
   Daria Sarti

6. Human Resource Development Practices and Employee Engagement: Examining the Connection With Employee Turnover Intentions
    Brad Shuck, Devon Twyford, Thomas G. Reio Jr. and Angie Shuck

7. Erratum for “Assessing the Influence of Managerial Coaching on Employee Outcomes”
   Sewon Kim


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