'2017/11/04'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2017.11.04 <ADHR> 최근호 아티클 리스트
HR 내용&트렌드 학습2017. 11. 4. 21:25

ADHR 최근호 아티클 리스트.
Volume 19, Issue 4, November 2017 
이번 호의 주제는 진성 리더십이다. "Authentic Leadership in HRD: Context and Identity Matter! Critical Explorations on Leading Authentically"

Guest Editor : Rita A. Gardiner, Julia Storberg-Walker

Interrogating Authentic Leadership: Identity does Matter
Monica Lee

Authentic Leadership in HRD—Identity Matters! Critical Explorations on Leading Authentically
Julia Storberg-Walker, Rita A. Gardiner

(Dis)Ableing Notions of Authentic Leadership Through the Lens of Critical Disability Theory
Greg Procknow,  Tonette S. Rocco,  Sunny L. Munn

Gender and Sexual Minorities’ Practice and Embodiment of Authentic Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities
Leigh E. Fine

Problematizing Authentic Leadership: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Immigrant Women of Color Leaders in Higher Education
Faith Wambura Ngunjiri,  Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez

Reflections on the Concept of Authentic Leadership: From an Indigenous Scholar/Leader Perspective
Susan C. Faircloth

Authentic Leadership and Talent Development: Fulfilling Individual Potential in Sociocultural Context
Gelaye Debebe

Viewing Authentic Leadership Through a Bourdieusian Lens: Understanding Gender and Leadership as Social Action
Wendy Fox-Kirk

Toward a New Approach to Authentic Leadership: The Practice of Embodied Dialogical “Thinking” and the Promise of Shared Power
Maylon Hanold

Authentic Leadership Through an Ethical Prism
Rita A. Gardiner


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